LEGO® Pièces de Véhicules
LEGO® Fourches de chariot...
3,13 €LEGO® Part 45707b Vehicle, Forklift Wide Forks Reinforced with Rubber Belt Holder LEGO Element ID: 6035531, 6058407
LEGO® clarck élévateur...
2,00 €LEGO® Part Vehicle, Forklift Wide 1 x 2 Hinge Plate Locking with Rubber Belt Holder 4518c LEGO Element ID: 6035530
LEGO® hélice / lame d'épée...
0,47 €LEGO® Propeller 1 Blade 16L with Axle (Sword Blade) pearl gold 98135 LEGO Element ID: 6270129
LEGO® hélice / lame d'épée...
0,21 €LEGO® Propeller 1 Blade 10L with Bar (Sword Blade) 98137 pearl gold LEGO Element ID: 6270131
Véhicule LEGO®, socle 2x10...
1,32 €LEGO® Vehicle Base 2x10 with 4 Pin Holes (Quad Bike Half) red 70682 LEGO Element ID: 6320082
Pare-brise LEGO®...
3,10 €LEGO® Windscreen trans-clear 8x4x2 21849 with 2 Studs and Bar Handle LEGO Element ID: 6122129, 6245514
LEGO® turquoise foncé...
1,18 €LEGO® dark turquoise Windscreen 3 x 6 x 1 Curved 62360 LEGO Element ID: 6292810
Pare-brise LEGO® 7 x 4 x 2...
2,37 €LEGO® Trans-Light Blue Windscreen 7 x 4 x 2 Canopy with Pearl Gold Armor and Handle Pattern 69564pb01 LEGO Element ID: 6320795
Véhicule LEGO®, Garde-boue...
1,04 €LEGO® Vehicle, Mudguard 4 x 2 1/2 x 1 2/3 with Arch Round red 50745 LEGO Element ID: 4294734
Hélice LEGO® 3 pales 13...
0,39 €LEGO® Propeller 3 Blade 13 Diameter (Ninjago Airjitzu Flyer Vortex Rotor) 18592 LEGO Element ID: 6119134
LEGO Reddish Brown...
0,26 €Reddish Brown Minifigure, Utensil Seat (Chair) 2 x 2 with Center Sprue Mark LEGO Element ID: 4211206